Check Out Joe’s Wrestling Figure Collection
I’m sure everyone knows I am a wrestling fan and geek out at times over it. The thing i’ve been invested in over the last few years is collecting figures from my childhood. The WWF Hasbro series is nostalgic for me. I’d go to Toys R’ Us or KB Toy Store as a kid to collect each series. I had to have the ring and would play with them all the time. The figures had a mechanic motion on each and the ring came with the championship title. The detail in the facial features are outstanding. Check out my collection below.
I use to beat the hell out of the figures and would break an arm off or fingers. I went to a show at Kowloon hosted by Matt Cardona who hosts The Major Wrestling Figure Podcast and started to learn more about each one. The WWF Hasbro’s have really held their value 30-years later and I decided to slowly collect and complete the entire set. This led to me getting the retro series which was created by Mattel. Then I got the WCW Galoob figures. Again, these figures were nostalgic to me as a kid and now sit in a clear case.
There were 11 series if WWF Hasbro’s and here is a look at them all
Series 1: which features Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Macho Man Randy Savage, Jake the snake Roberts, The Ultimate Warrior, Ravishing Rick Rude, Demolition Axe & Smash, The million dollar man Ted Dibiase, Brutus The Barber Beefcake, The Big Boss man and Akeem.
Series 2: features two tag teams The Rockers and the Bushwhackers. The Dusty Rhodes figure still in the package is worth a pretty penny these days.
Series 3: Another tag team added to the family with Earthquake & Typhoon the Natural Disasters.
Series 4: Introducing the Undertaker and Bret Hart’s first Hasbro figure.
Series 5: Plenty of new figures came out as well including The Mountie, Rick Martel, IRS, Skinner, Sid, Virgil and Warlord.
Series 6: Ric Flair highlights a series with The Berzerker, Papa Shango, Repo Man, Tatanka and Tito Santana
Series 7: Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels, Nailz, Crush, Kamala and Owen Heart completed the yellow cards.
Series 8: Bam Bam Bigelow had an amazing figure. The color of his tattoos and design make it one of my favorite of the Hasbro line.
Series 9: The Steiner Brothers and Doink The Clown headline this group
Series 10: The Giant Gonzalez and the Head Shrinkers were the new figures.
Series 11: The Smoking Gunns, Adam Bomb, Ludvig Borga were alongside the 1-2-3 Kid who is the most sought after figure of the series
The original line ran from 1990 through 1994, offering 99 such figures — 86 Carded Singles, five tag-team packs, and the three mail-aways. These are extremely rare and worth more in the packaging.

Here is a complete checklist of every WWF Hasbro figure
Check out my interview with Andrew Martin from Mable Toys who knows everything about Hasbros.