Felger: The Jack Jones release is embarrassing
The New England Patriots have reportedly waived cornerback Jack Jones following their most recent loss to the Indianapolis Colts. On Monday’s Felger and Mazz, Felger gave this thoughts on the release of Jack Jones and how the Patriots have operated as a whole.
The Jack Jones release is embarrassing for the Patriots…
Felger: Then we have the news today that I referenced, Jack Jones’s release. This is embarrassing. The whole Jack Jones and J.C. Jackson thing is just embarrassing. It’s just they’re insistent in just the cutting of corners. How it’s just come back to them so badly on the coaching staff, on the football staff, on the roster, the cutting of corners. The cheaping out on football players just is coming back and coming home to roost so badly and so embarrassingly. The only reason Jack Jones is even here and the only reason he’s a fourth round pick is because the guy’s an epic putz, so he’s available in the fourth round and you take him because he’s value and even though he mouths off to you and you have to suspend him at the end of last year, you keep him because he’s cheap. And then he rolls through Logan with guns but you keep him because he’s cheap and then he comes back and he’s blowing through team meetings or skipping on the team hotel, whatever that was last week, and you keep him because he’s got cheap rookie contract. And now what happened he went to Germany right and he played, so what did he do on the plane home? What did he do? Something had to happen there.
Jim Murray: Well, the night before, he was tweeting about how he’s got like too much time on his hands. He can’t fall asleep. Like you could tell he wasn’t happy about being in Germany.
Felger: So you bring this guy with you all the way over there just to cut him on the way back on the plane back? I mean that’s basically what happened, right?
Mazz: Yeah, maybe they knew he didn’t want to go and that’s why they took him. Like in other words, to punish him.
Felger: And the whole thing is just, it’s a guy like that being on your team, a guy like J.C. Jackson being on your team should be beneath you. I know it’s probably not. You’ve had guys like that all the way through and we’ve just ignored it because you kept winning. But they should be beneath you and your standards and your quality. I guess they’re just not. I guess if you’re just a if you’re a cheaply poorly run organization, I guess those guys are on your team. But I would hate to think that that’s what represent you. But I feel like really in the last couple of years, it really feels like that’s what’s represented you. Joe Judge. Matt Patricia. Jack Jones. J.C. Jackson. Guys that are being paid for by other teams or that are just super affordable and that’s why they’re here. It just feels more and more when you lose that’s what comes to represent you. And I think that’s what’s come to represent you.