Gasper on Bregman Deal: Logical fit for both sides
Chris Gasper of The Boston Globe joined Felger and Mazz on Friday and discussed why he lover the Boston Red Sox signing of Alex Bregman.
Felger: Gasper, you like this Bregman deal as much as Sean Casey?
Chris Gasper: Yeah, I mean I love the deal because it’s, as Sean Casey laid out there, it’s just a logical fit for both sides. And I think that there are some intangibles that Bregman brings to the table and this is one of the elements I like about it, that it’s not all based on the numbers and sabermetrics, there are intangibles that he brings to the table in terms of going to the playoffs eight straight times, having an edge, having a big personality, being a leader. Yeah, it’s cliche you call a guy a “winner”, but he’s been on winning teams. He knows what it takes and they don’t have a lot of those guys there. I think that that is going to help them whether he is with the team for one year or two years or three years and I know they want to segue to the “Big Three” and the new core with Roman Anthony and Marcelo Meyer and that entire group there. Someone has to show those guys the way and someone has to sort of set the standard. I think the Red Sox since 2018 have really lost sight of and lost the idea of what the standard needs to be.

Chris Gasper: Like I am so tired of hearing about sustainable success. And as I wrote you guys in the e-mail, despite the syntax of that phrase, where success comes after sustainable, you have to have success first before you can talk about sustaining it. And I feel like the Red Sox have just lost sight of that as they’re conducting this whole thing like it’s a science project. And bringing Bregman in, to me, says you’re serious about trying to win in 2025 and that’s why I like the move. I also like it because yes, it’s not a six or seven-year deal for somebody, but you know what the most money anybody was offering him on one of those deals was $28.5 million and they said to get the term that we want we’ll blow him away and pay him $40 million because we’re the Boston Red Sox and we can afford to do that and we’ll flex a little bit of our financial might.