Mike Reiss: Mac Jones has already been dinged up this preseason
Mike Reiss of ESPN joined Zolak & Bertrand in studio for the first time this season. Mike will be a weekly guest all football season long. During his first appearance on Tuesday, Reiss discussed the Patriots offensive line issues. While admitting that the line has been “swiss cheese” so far this preseason, he dropped a bit of intel on how it
has effected the quarterback. Has Mac Jones already been dinged up this preseason due to the second-rate pass protection he’s been getting?
Was Mac Jones banged up this preseason?
[Mac Jones’] health wasn’t good after that preseason game in Green Bay. That was alarming, the hits he took that probably went underreported and under told like his toughness to even come back the next week in practice. I think that’s part of the reason they didn’t go down to Tennessee and they didn’t play him in the final game. But I will say this about the offensive line. I look at it from a short term snapshot and a long term snapshot. I can’t sit here and tell you right now that it’s not going to be a good line this season. I think that’s the long term snapshot. They just need to come together. We haven’t even seen the starting line together, like give him a chance. And that’s unfortunate for them. I think the short term snapshot is “swiss cheese”. This is a concern. You’ve got these rookies, Antonio Mafi, a fifth-round pick out of UCLA hanging in there. Sidy Sow, fourth round pick out of Eastern Michigan, They might look good in practice working against a defensive line that they know what the line does. Then you get to a game against a team that’s doing something completely different and it’s like, “Whoa, these guys might not be ready to go.” And that has to concern you watching this line.