Marc Bertrand: Bill Belichick pulled a “weasel move”
On Monday’s edition of Zolak & Bertrand, Marc Bertrand said Bill Belichick pulled a “weasel move” this morning when asked about giving up personnel control.
This is a leverage play…
Marc Bertrand: I don’t buy it. I think it’s a PR play. I think it’s that he’s not going to go down looking like a guy who walked out on the team. He’s not going to do it, he’s not going to play their game. He’s not going to be willing to make them look good, he knows he’s on his way out and he’s not partaking in it. And he’s not going to be an active participant in his firing.
Scott Zolak: Like Leonardo DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street for Wall Street. I’m not leaving I ain’t leaving.
Marc Bertrand: They’re trying to divvy up the airline miles. That’s what it is.
Tim McKone: That whole, like, mutual parting of the ways thing that we’ve kind of floated out. That’s not happening.
Marc Bertrand: That’s out the window. That’s what’s going on now.
Scott Zolak: At least we get some answers and I love all the reporting on it. Hey, there are three things that can happen here. Update… like Jordan Schultz added last week and somebody else got it. It’s either he’s get traded, getting released, or find a way to make it work. Duh. Is there a fourth? Is there fifth? No. At least we know we’re not agreeing to this nice quiet exit here.
Marc Bertrand: No, he’s not. And with this he’s trying to create more leverage is what he’s trying to do in this situation and more control. That’s what’s going on. 24 years on the job and on the final day of that 24th season, he decided, you know what? I’m not into being a GM anymore. Yeah no, I’m into giving it all up, really today.
Scott Zolak: I mean, how many job opportunities are out there already?
Marc Bertrand: Today’s the day. You decided after 24 years. Today’s the day you thought. Well, it’s in the best interest of the team you go ahead. And you know what else he also did in that answer, which I thought was kind of weaselly, was him trying to pretend that he is not the final say. Right? I mean, that is a weasel move. And you know what it also speaks to is that collectively word right… when he uses that.
Scott Zolak: Just like when Mac got picked.
Marc Bertrand: Bingo. He’s going right back to the Mac pick.