Boston BLUEBikes 2024 Rates: What You Need To Know
With spring weather encouraging people to get out and ride a bike, there are some key Boston BlueBike adjustments to be aware of. In fact, most of the changes will begin next month.
First, there will be a price increase. “To support our system expansion in the Boston area, including new ebikes, we’re increasing membership prices on April 11,” BlueBikes says.
Though it’s easy to get caught up in the fee’s increase the point the city bikeshare organization is trying to drive is that under much of their new structure, riders only pay for what they utilize.
Here Are The Boston BlueBikes 2024 Changes
Given that the bike-share model is a membership-based platform, an annual fee is always required. Now, the annual cost to be a member will be $133.50 per year. It used to be $129. The monthly fee will also increase; however, this option only goes up $1.50 to $30.50 per month.
Next, the overage fees will also change this spring. This is really where the “pay for what you use” format comes into play. Members will see smaller overage fees by the minute. The overage is 25 cents. It used to be a larger $4 overage charged by the half-hour.
The same changes just noted will also apply to Adventure Pass members.
If your bike ride is for a longer amount of time the overage charge will be even smaller. “Member rides over 45 minutes will now be $0.10/min instead of $2.50 per additional 30 minutes,” they explain.
As you may know, the city BlueBikes program also now included Ebikes as part of their fleet. The good news here is that this plan and applicable rates will not change.
There are now over 4,000 bikes available in the greater Boston metro area. They are spread throughout 450 different stations. calls it “a fast, fun, and affordable way to get around Metro Boston.”
Through the BlueBikes home site, you can explore where each location is and which is closest to you.