Rich Shertenlieb: Is Matthew Slater a Hall of Famer?
Mike Reiss: To me, he is. I would say, Rich, I’m a little influenced by hearing in Bill Belichick over the last 23 years talk about this topic in terms of impact in the kicking game he is, but just the way they vote on Hall of Famers, I think that’s going to be an uphill climb for him to get there.
Jon Wallach: That’s a tough sell in that room with Peter King holding court. You know what I’m saying? They sit in that conference room and in the way it goes, Mike, if someone has to introduce the player, right, if he makes it to the final and then you have to somehow sell everyone else in the room on his ability to be a Hall of Famer. That’s a tough sell for a special teamer, I would think.
Mike Reiss: It is. I’ve never been in the room, so I should say that. I think the process probably is a challenging process is probably the the best way to sum it up.