During this morning’s Toucher & Hardy radio program, Fred and Hardy explored various Super Bowl ads, including examined a commercial centered around foot washing as a metaphor for spreading love and peace, only to look like an ad targeting people with foot fetishes. Other commercials included trailers for “Wicked” and “Twisters” which sparked speculation about the plot of the latter, adding an entertaining twist to their analysis…. Twist. Get it?
The hosts also examined a controversial commercial centered around foot washing as a metaphor for spreading love and peace. They expressed amusement at its unconventional approach to religious messaging, originally thinking it was a commercial for the website, “Wicked Feet”.
The ad, titled “Foot Washing,” depicted a series of static images capturing individuals, such as a woman situated outside a family planning clinic, undergoing foot washing. The commercial concluded with the poignant slogan: “Jesus didn’t preach hate. He washed feet.”
The duo also examined Ben Affleck’s surprising foray into pop stardom, showcased in a star-studded Dunkin’ commercial premiered during the game.
Also during a commercial break in Super Bowl LVIII, viewers got their first glimpse of the Deadpool 3 trailer, offering a sneak peek into Wade Wilson’s Marvel Cinematic Universe debut alongside Wolverine, now titled “Deadpool & Wolverine”.