Loon Mountain, nestled in the picturesque town of Lincoln, New Hampshire, is set to embark on an exciting expansion project that promises to elevate the skiing and snowboarding experience for winter sports enthusiasts. The resort, in collaboration with the United States Forest Service and South Peak Resort LLC, has unveiled plans for a significant expansion at its South Peak area, with the grand opening slated for the 2023/24 winter season.
The expansion at Loon Mountain’s South Peak includes the installation of a state-of-the-art four-place chairlift, the Doppelmayr Alpenstar 4-CLF chairlift with a loading conveyor, strategically positioned at the base of the Escape Route trail to efficiently transport guests 500 feet up. This move, just a short 1.5-mile drive from Interstate 93 in the heart of Lincoln, promises to significantly enhance the guest experience. Additionally, over 30 acres of diverse terrain, featuring new trails for skiers and snowboarders of varying skill levels, will be added to South Peak. The expansion will notably increase Loon’s green-level terrain by over 50 percent, expanding the resort’s total skiable acreage to over 400 acres. Loon Mountain is also investing in advanced snowmaking technology, including fully automated fan guns and frost-free pipes, ensuring excellent snow conditions while emphasizing environmental sustainability. Furthermore, this expansion serves as a foundation for future developments, including a new learning area, surface lifts, and facilities tailored to beginners, with enhanced access to the new South Peak terrain and convenient base facilities offering ticketing and essential services during the 2023/24 winter season.
Loon’s expansion plans at South Peak promise an exciting and dynamic future for winter sports enthusiasts. With improved accessibility, expansive terrain, cutting-edge snowmaking technology, and a commitment to sustainable practices, the resort is poised to provide an unforgettable experience for visitors of all skill levels. The expansion not only caters to current enthusiasts but also sets the stage for a bright and promising future in the world of skiing and snowboarding in New Hampshire’s White Mountains.