Looking to stream 98.5 The Sports Hub HD2 – Hubcast on your computer or other device? Replays of your favorite shows, original podcasts, and even occasionally game broadcast conflicts air on 98.5 HD2, and we want to make sure you know how to listen.
Looking to stream 98.5 The Sports Hub HD2 – Hubcast on your computer or other device? Replays of your favorite shows, original podcasts, and even occasionally game broadcast conflicts air on 98.5 HD2, and we want to make sure you know how to listen.
Find the "Saved Stations" button in the lower right corner.
Click on it and select "Stream Hubcast 98.5 HD2" to launch the stream.
You'll need to rotate your phone to landscape mode. Find the "Saved Stations" button in the lower right corner.
Tap on it and select "Stream Hubcast 98.5 HD2" to launch the stream.
The 98.5 HD2 Hubcast player is located at the bottom of the app main screen. Swipe/scroll until you get to the bottom.
Then tap on the play button next to the Hubcast logo to launch the HD2 stream in your app player.