Another week and another awesome guest host on Checkpoint AFK. This time we bring in esports writer and host Brandon Brathwaite. Norris, Kali, and WeirdBeard talk to him about how police are depicted in video games and his reactions to the Playstation 5 Keynote! And make sure you check out our special announcement from Axis Replay!
Coppers on Your Console
Police reform is at the top of everyone’s mind right now. Protests against police brutality and enter their 3rd week in the US and don’t look like slowing down anytime soon. So we took this opportunity to think about how Police are portrayed in video games. Are there more games where Police are a force of nature or is it more about the tough cop experience? How doe that affects how we view the police? We break it all down with Brandon Brathwaite.
PlayStation 5 Reveal
For our final topic, Brandon Brathwaite and the Checkpoint Gang breakdown their favorite announcement from the Playstation 5 Reveal event. The hour-long event contained a first look at the games coming out for the system and a look on the hardware its self. While the design seems polarizing, the games weren’t as over ten launches or near launch titles got trailers. Did they outshine their Microsoft rivals or did they fall into the same traps they did about “gameplay”? We speculate on its cost and additional features the console may have and how it will perform.