Sweet summertime. We save up all year to enjoy some well deserved time off. As we are now in the homestretch of the season, many of us are scrambling to get our vacation plans in motion. Many of us have also already done our time in the sun and fun. As New Englanders, we have plenty of options within a reasonable car ride away. How have you spent your summer vacation, or will be spending it? I asked, you answered. The Top 10 hot summer vacation destinations according to you are here, below.
As you would imagine, most people shared that they were vacationing right here at home, in New England. But where is the hotspot this year? Find out below. All the New England states were mentioned, with the exception of Connecticut. The Southern United States were the areas most mentioned, after New England.
Shockingly, Cape Cod was not the most popular spot mentioned. I loved seeing your photos from your fabulous trips. Summer makes it so easy to travel around New England. You can pack lighter and get to most desired destinations on a tank of gas. Sure, gas is a little more expensive these days, but it’s certainly a lot less than paying for plane tickets. It all makes perfect sense. Get out there and explore all New England, the country, and the world have to offer in the sweet summertime.
Take a look at the most popular answers to my question posed on social media: WHERE you have vacationed or will be vacationing this summer? These are the top 10 hot summer vacation destinations, according to you! Thanks for playing along. And feel free to comment on places you’ve been this summer, and would recommend for those still in need of a great place to vacation!