On Wednesday, the Pro Football Hall of Fame announced the initial ballot for the Class of 2022. Among the 122 players included, 21 spent at least some time with the Patriots during their careers.
From franchise staples to training camp rejects, who has the best chance to be New England’s ninth representative in Canton? Here’s all the former Patriots whose names could be call upon this year.
The full list of 122 nominees will be cut down to 25 semifinalists, who will be announced in November. From there, the committee will pick 15 finalists in January, The committee then meets the day before the Super Bowl to narrow that list from 15 players to five. They then hold a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote. Any player that gets at least 80 percent of the vote at that point is inducted.
MORE:Ā A closer look at the Patriotsā red zone offense
Alex Barth is a writer and digital producer for 985TheSportsHub.com. Any opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of 98.5 The Sports Hub, Beasley Media Group, or any subsidiaries. Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Looking for a podcast guest? Let him know on TwitterĀ @RealAlexBarthĀ or via email atĀ [email protected].