10 Questions with Greg Bedard: Non-Patriots related
Greg Bedard of BostonSportsJournal.com joined the Felger and Mazz program on Wednesday and hit on the latest with the New England Patriots. But, the guys also did a 10 Questions segment that didn’t (for the most part) revolve around the Patriots!
10. What are your thoughts on the Red Sox trade deadline?
Greg Bedard: So did they get better? Yes. They got the bullpen arms that they needed badly. They had to get that and they got those two guys at the last second. That was good. But Paxton as the starter and Jansen as the right-handed hitter? I mean, come on. They were basically saying like, “alright, what’s the minimum that we can do to look like we’re doing something to make good with our fans, keep the media off of us, but we really don’t want to do anything major”. Like why not do something major. It’s wide open and I just think it was, to me, underwhelming.
9. Fill in the blank: This Red Sox season will be a success if they….
Greg Bedard: Make the postseason. I mean they just need to get to the next level. I think Cora’s done a great job with this group and that if they can get to the postseason and especially win something, win a round, win a game, that will be an accomplishment for where we thought they were going to be at the beginning of the season.

8. Have you been watching the Olympics? What do you like? What do you hate?
Greg Bedard: Gymnastics, swimming, track and field I’m all in on. The other stuff I just don’t have the time to.
7. Are you rooting for or against Team USA Basketball?
Greg Bedard: So I’m not rooting against them. But I wouldn’t say I’m exactly rooting for them. They have the best players. They should win this easily. I can’t root for that, I just don’t find any enjoyment in that as a sports fan. I always root for the underdog.
6. Do you think something was behind the benching of Jayson Tatum in Team USA’s first game? How about Jaylen Brown’s exclusion?
Greg Bedard: On Tatum, I think Grant Hill and Steve Kerr saw his shooting in the postseason and just decided to sit him down.
Felger: Seriously?
Greg Bedard: No, that’s a joke.
Felger: Ohh ha. There’s a good one.
Greg Bedard: You like that one?
Felger: Yeah, yeah.
Greg Bedard: And on Jaylen Brown, I think there’s obviously something else at play. I mean, if I understand this correctly, Kawhi Leonard was the one who got injured and Grant Hill makes a big deal out of, “we constructed this team. We need the right pieces”. So how does Derrick White replace Kawhi Leonard? Isn’t Jaylen Brown more like Kawhi Leonard? And now you can argue all you want about who’s better at defense, I mean I think Jaylen Brown’s pretty good as well, but I just think it’s a joke to leave the NBA Finals MVP off the roster when they’re replacing a similar type player, it’s a joke. There’s something else to it.

5. Who’s been the biggest toolbag in the world of sports?
Greg Bedard: Canada soccer with their Spygate drones on steroids story. Somewhere Belichick is asking Ernie Adams why they didn’t think about that.
4. How do you feel about the Bruins goaltending situation? Should they sign Swayman to a honker deal (8×8)? Should they have traded him? Kept Ullmark, etc?
Greg Bedard: Sign him. He proved himself this year and in this postseason run.
3. Are you nervous about the Celtics sale?
Greg Bedard: It didn’t until I heard Wyc Grousbeck mention banks and the sale. That means that they’re looking for the best offer. Before that, I like Wyc, I think that Wyc is concerned about his legacy and place in Boston Sports, and to pawn off the Celtics to a lesser sort of entity that didn’t care as much about Boston and the team, I think he would be affected by that and wouldn’t do that. But when he mentioned his dad and the banks and all that, yeah, now I’m nervous.

2. With the Patriots down and out for the time being – what will drive Felger and Mazz for the next few years? What or who do we need?
Greg Bedard: So first of all, I don’t think you need anything because football is king everywhere. It doesn’t matter if the football team’s down. Football is king due to the once a week thing, gambling, fantasy, all that. Football is king. It’s different than it was in the 90’s when the Patriots weren’t even on the radar. But, you’re going to have Brady and Belichick who are apparently going to be content factories.
1. With the Patriots down and out, who will become Boston’s second-favorite NFL team for the time being? It used to be the New York Giants. Who will that team be?
Greg Bedard: Whoever is playing the Chiefs, especially in the postseason, because if that’s going to be all consuming. Thwarting the Chiefs and Patrick Mahomes from matching or usurping what Brady and the Patriots did.