Perry: Don’t think The Krafts have made final decision on Belichick yet
Phil Perry of NBC Sports Boston joined Zolak & Bertrand on Friday to give his take on Tom E. Curran’s report that The Krafts have had their minds made up on the future of Bill Belichick since the loss to the Indianapolis Colts in Germany:
‘I think it’s been a little misconstrued’
“People reserve the right to change their mind, but it’s I think it’s fair to say they are leaning strongly in one direction based on what Tom has reported. I think it’s been a little misconstrued, too, because I was on the set with him when he when he made the comments that he made on early Edition earlier this week that have gotten so much play. I think people have sort of taken it and run with the fact that it was the Germany game that was the final straw. And I don’t think that’s correct. I think it’s one moment in a long line of moments. That will lead The Krafts to whatever decision they end up making. But to say that it was because of the Germany game I don’t think is accurate. It puts the timing of what commerce it was. It was him noting the timing of the conversation, not noting the moment that led to. Tom using the word “decision” there.
“Flexed out a Monday night, the Germany debacle. Because in Germany is you’re losing, in theory, a toehold in an international market. Like if this is if this is NFL franchises warring over territory, that’s a big loss.
“So they have continued to trend downward. I thought they hit rock bottom, but now they are reaching various levels of the Earth’s crust.”
LISTEN: Phil Perry weighs in on the Tom E. Curran report about Belichick’s future