LISTEN: Joe Marciano from “Wicked Tuna” joins Zolak & Bertrand
On Friday’s edition of Zolak & Bertrand, we had a surprise call from Joe Marciano of “Wicked Tuna” to break down what the cast is really like along with a shark update. A few years back, we had his father Dave Marciano also call into the show, since we’re all fans of the program.
Nobody was more excited than Zo, who got an update on whether Joe has been battling any sharks while out on the water.
What’s the crew like?
Marc Bertrand: We had your dad on I don’t know, like, five years ago, he was on the show one day.
Joe Marciano: Awesome. I, I listen to you guys every morning when I can when I’m not out fishing.
Scott Zolak: Who’s the cook? Who’s the cook on the boat? Your cousin, right?
Joe Marciano: Yeah. Jay, You know, we whip it up, we do lobster omelets out there. We’re always eating what we catch out there. Fresh haddock. We love to cook some steak. We have a good time out there while we’re waiting for the Bluefin to come through.
Hardy: You ever employ somebody who’s allergic to the touch of fish because Zo’s got a guy who’s a big fishing buddy of his who can’t touch fish, allegedly.
Joe Marciano: No, I don’t know anyone like that. But one of the other captains on the show, Dave Guerrero, he doesn’t eat fish, but he is a pilot in his other career.
Marc Bertrand: He’s a JetBlue pilot.
Joe Marciano: He has a real passion for fishing.
Scott Zolak: He’s got a real passion for a particular type of boat where it’s really neat.
Marc Bertrand: He’s a bit of an interesting guy, isn’t he?
Joe Marciano: Yeah, he really is. And you guys got to remember through the power of editing, right? They can make someone look a little bit more competitive than the others. Dave is a great guy. He’s just like an athlete, right? You want to hit the most homeruns, get the most RBI, and catch the most tuna fish. He’s a great guy, though. He has his organization dialed in. I have a lot of respect for him.
Scott Zolak: What about Tyler? He’s the biggest dick on the show?
Joe Marciano: You know what? Tyler is a good guy. We don’t really talk to all those guys all the time, right? Obviously, they put us in a fishbowl like a Tuna and we’re all working together. But a lot of times, too, you know, right now we’re filming and like, one boat might be 30 miles away from where we’re fishing, you know? So it’s not like we chat every single day. But we’ve learned to play nice together.
Marc Bertrand: You seen any sharks around lately?
Joe Marciano: We do see a lot of sharks, right? And something I wanted to chime in on when you guys are talking about it now, we don’t see any white sharks out there, but we are fishing off the cape. We are fishing off Maine. One of the reasons why the white sharks are coming back is, you know, the seal population, right, with all that food and close to shore. Why do you think the sharks are coming back? Which is all a good thing, right? We’ve also came a long way with fisheries management over the years, right? I’m not saying we’re all perfect, but, you know, having both advocates work to find the middle ground, that’s been a huge part of the success over managing especially the Bluefin population.