How much pressure is Bill Belichick under in 2023?
Zolak, Bertrand and Hardy debate just how much pressure Bill Belichick is under to turn things around for the Patriots:
Beetle: Bill Belichick is under the most pressure of anyone that isn’t a quarterback in the NFL going into this season. True or false?
Zo: I think he’s under a lot of pressure.
Beetle: Yes, he is. For all the reasons you give Zo, which is that it takes four wins for him to lose his job.
Zo: He’s got to get his quarterback going. That’s the pressure. It’s like they’re hand-in-hand as he was with. Brady. He’s got to find a way.
Beetle: So it’s pressure that he puts on himself. What’s the risk of not succeeding? There are other head coaches in the league that are closer to getting fired for a bad year than Bill. So I don’t buy it. I don’t buy that take. Should he be under pressure? Yeah, he should. He should be at risk of losing his job. That’s not right. I don’t think it’s the right way to approach it. I think it should be a prove it year for him, but I don’t know. It doesn’t really feel like it is. I don’t buy into this idea that, like he was put on notice in March. Because I know that he actually is on notice.
Hardy: No, that is something you don’t talk about with the guy. If it comes to that, you just do it.
Beetle: Yes, but I don’t think they will. At 7-10, I think you should be canned. I think you should be out and done. But I don’t think they’ll do it.
Hardy: But they would do it at some point.
Beetle: I don’t think it’s after 2023 unless it’s a really putrid 4-13 team.
Hardy: I don’t think it is either. I’m just saying if you’re if you’re going to even consider firing Bill Belichick. You never have the conversation with Bill Belichick ahead of time. You just wait until that horrific season. You say, well, we’ve talked about this apart from you, and as awkward as this may seem, we’re making a change.
Beetle: But conversation or no conversation, coaches know when the ax could be coming. Yeah. And so I don’t think he feels that. I don’t think he’s concerned. You think Bill’s worried about losing his job?
Zo: No, because there was not even major resistance internally that we didn’t know about. Like “we weren’t going to let you pick this guy. We picked that guy or we’re not going to let you sign this guy.” And I don’t feel that that’s ever been done yet.